109. The Assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Part 1 - The Official Story
This week, Lauren and Amanda talk about the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. by James Earl Ray, who made the FBI Most Wanted fugitives list twice. This is the official story.
Britannica: “James Earl Ray: American Assassin” by Britannica Editors
FBI Most Wanted: “351. James Earl Ray”
Stanford Martin Luther King Jr. Research and Education Institute: “Assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.”
Time: “What We Know About Why James Earl Ray Killed Martin Luther King Jr.” by Olivia B. Waxman
PBS American Experience: “King’s Assassination: A Timeline”
Truer Crime podcast: “The Assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.”
Assassinations podcast: “James Earl Ray: MLK Assassin”
Historical Blindness podcast: “The Killing of Dr. King, Part One: A Dream Defied,” “The Killing of Dr. King, Part Two: The Legend of Raoul,” and “The Killing of Dr. King, Part Three: Ray’s Reasons”
The Conspiracy Podcast: “The MLK Assassination Revisited Part One - Episode #56,” “The MLK Assassination Revisited Part Two: James Earl Ray - Episode #57,” and “The MLK Assassination Revisited Part Three: The Conspiracies - Episode #58”